Jaén’s Easter Week is a socio-cultural, religious and tourist phenomenon, which is very important in the culture of the city. The brotherhoods and fraternities represent a vast traditional legacy, which is a major part of the cultural heritage of the city and its citizens. They are a reflection of centuries of cultural and social development of our Holy Week, highly influenced by artistic and historic factors.
Our religious imagery and sculptures are of great importance in Andalusia and Spain due to their beauty and quality. Our Easter Week was declared an Asset of Tourist and Cultural Interest in Andalusia in 2006 and as a Festival of Tourist Interest.
The first brotherhoods arose in the Middle Ages, after the Christian Conquest. They were very different from today, they had pious-military purposes and were organised to protect the city and the citizens who moved from the city to the countryside. During the Catholic Monarch period, the brotherhoods had a religious purpose. Then the first penitent’s brotherhood, also called “Pasión” brotherhoods, appeared. Since the middle of the 16th Century, Jaén has celebrated Easter as we know it today. Some brotherhoods were created in order to meet the social needs of certain quarters or social groups, whereas other brotherhoods are related to the devotion to specific religious sculptures. Some of these brotherhoods still remain today.
Up to 17 penitents brotherhoods with 40 religious sculptures comprise the Passion of Christ from Palm Sunday to Easter (Resurrection) Sunday. During these 7 days, the city turns into a devotion festival. Citizens go to the streets to participate in popular traditions related to devotion and faith. The most important part is the morning of Good Friday when one of the most important religious sculptures of the city is followed by many penitents. Our Father Jesus, known in Jaén as “El Abuelo”, begins its route through Jaén’s beautiful, narrow streets.
Videos on the processions of all the Hermandades (Brotherhoods):
Real, Ilustre y Fervorosa Hermandad Franciscana y Cofradía de Nazarenos de Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Salud entrando en Jerusalén, María Santísima de la Paz, San Pedro, San Juan y Santiago Apóstoles.
Sculptures 2: Ntro. Padre Jesús de la Salud en su Triunfal Entrada en Jerusalén (Antonio J. Dubé de Luque, 2002), Mª Stma. de la Paz (Antonio J. Dubé de Luque, 1991)
Departure: Morning. Ntra. Sra. de Belén y San Roque Church.
Year Founded: 1946
Points of Interest: “La Llamá” Ritual, performed at the entrance of the church, symbolizes the beginning Jaén’s Holy Week. It is important to highlight the parade in Almenas’s Street and the ascent to Cuesta de Belén Street. The procession is followed by children holding palms.
Hermandad Sacramental de Jesús Salvador en su Santa Cena y María Stma. de la Caridad y Consolación.
Sculptures 2: Jesús Salvador en su Santa Cena (Antonio Bernal, 2006), Mª Stma. de la Caridad y Consolación (Antonio Bernal, 1999).
Departure: Afternoon. San Félix de Valois Church
Year Founded: 1998
Points of Interest: You can enjoy the grandeur of the procession of the sculpture “Misterio de la Santa Cena”. The parade in Maestra Street is highly recommended.
Cofradía de la Oración en el Huerto y María Stma. de los Desamparados de la Congregación de la Santa Vera-Cruz.
Sculptures 2: Jesús orando en el Huerto (Juan Abascal Fuentes, 1970), Mª Stma. de los Desamparados (Ventura González Rodríguez, 2007).
Departure: Afternoon. San Ildefonso Basilica
Year Founded: 1541
Points of Interest: Beautiful tour through San Ildefonso and Almenas Streets. The procession is escorted by members of the Civil Guard.
Hermandad Dominica y Cofradía de Nazarenos de Ntro. Padre Jesús de la Piedad en su Sagrada Presentación al Pueblo, María Stma. de la Estrella, Ntra. Sra. del Rosario y Santo Domingo de Guzmán.
Sculptures 2: Ntro. Padre Jesús de la Piedad, en su Sagrada Presentación al Pueblo (Anónimo, s.XVII), Mª Stma. de la Estrella (Domingo Sánchez Mesa, 1956).
Departure: Afternoon. La Purísima Concepción Conventual Church, Brotherhood house.
Year Founded: 1956, re-founded in 1982
Points of Interest: "Te Amo" song that is performed at the beginning of the procession, rain of rose petals when parading Dominicas Moanstery. Return of the procession through Llana Street.
Hermandad de Jesús de la Caridad ante Caifés, María Santísima de la Salud y San Eurfradsio
Sculpture: Jesus de la Caridad ante Caifás (sculpture: Miguel Cordero Romero) (2016)
Foundation year: 2012
Departure: 15.00h
Points of interés: Madre Soledad Torres Acosta Street at Saint Antonio Church), Roldán y Marín Street, Bernabé Soriano Street
Entrance to its temple: 00.00 h.
Hermandad del Santo Rosario y Cofradía de Nazarenos de Nuestro Señor de la Pasión Despojado de sus Vestiduras, María Santísima de la Amargura, Madre de la Iglesia y San Juan Evangelista.
Sculpture 2: Jesús Despojado de sus Vestiduras (Miguel Zuñiga, 1989), Mª Stma. de la Amargura (Anonymous, 17th Century, poblably José de Mora).
Departure: Afternoon. El Salvador Church.
Year Founded: 1984
Points of Interest: It crosses Bernabé Soriano Street. The song by the Rocio Brotherhood Chorus is not to be missed.
Ilustre y Franciscana Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo de las Misericordias y Nuestra Señora de las Lágrimas.
Sculpture 2: Stmo. Cristo de las Misericordias (Anonymous 16th Century), Ntra. Sra. de las Lágrimas (Juan Martínez Cerrillo, 1938).
Departure: Afternoon. La Merced Church.
Year Founded: 1946
Points of Interest: The University of Jaén's Musical Group sings a Ronda to Ntra. Sra. de las Lágrimas Virgin, in Merced Square. This is when the sculpture first takes its place in the parade.
Hermandad Misionera de Jesús Divino Maestro de Humildad y Entrega
y María Santísima del Amor.
Sculptures: Jesus Divino Maestro and Apóstoles Santiago, San Juan y San Pedro ( Sculptor: Antonio Martínez Rodríguez 2015)
Foundation year:2015
Departure time:17.00 (Divino Maestro School)
Points of interest: The departure from the school, Muzñoz Garnica Street, Almenas Street, Francisco Coello Street and the entrance to the school.
Antigua e Ilustre Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo de la Clemencia, Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Caída, Santa María Magdalena y María Santísima del Mayor Dolor.
Sculptures 3: Ntro. Padre Jesús de la Caída (Emilio Navas Parejo, 1956), Stmo. Cristo de la Clemencia (Salvador de Cuéllar, 1593), Mª Stma. del Mayor Dolor (Alfredo Muñoz Arcos, 1946).
Departure: Afternoon. La Magdalena Church.
Year Founded: 1945
Points of Interest: Emotional performance of Saetas at the beginning and end of the procession through Magdalena’s Quarter.
Hermandad de Penitencia y Cofradía de Nazarenos de Silencio del Santísimo Cristo de la Humildad y Mª Stma. Madre de Dios.
Sculpture: Stmo. Cristo de la Humildad (Anonymous, 16th C).
Departure: Late Afternoon. Cristo Rey Church
Year Founded: 1955
Points of interest: The peculiar dress that penitentS wear during the procession which includes a brown habit and esparto shoes. The Brothers are joined together by chains, the light go off and everybody is in silence.
Hermandad Penitencial y Cofradía de Nuestro Divino Redentor Jesús Cautivo en el abandono de sus discípulos, María Santísima de la Trinidad y Santa Isabel de Portugal.
Sculptures: (2) Jesús Cautivo (Francisco Romero Zafra, 2011), María Stma. de la Trinidad (Franscisco Romero Zafra, 2008)
Year founded: 2012
Departure: Late afternoon. Saint Isabel Church.
Points of Interest: Arrival al the Saint M. Magdalena Church.
Real Hermandad Sacramental y Cofradía de Nazarenos del Santísimo Cristo de la Buena Muerte, Cristo Descendido de la Cruz y Nuestra Señora de las Angustias.
Sculptures 3: Stmo. Cristo de la Buena Muerte (Jacinto Higueras Fuentes, 1926), Cristo Descendido de la Cruz (Víctor de los Ríos Campos, 1959), Nuestra Señora de las Angustias (José de Mora, Early 18th Century).
Departure: Late Afternoon. Saint Catedral Church
Year Founded: 1926
Points of Interest: Majestic departure from the Cathedral.
Ilustre Hermandad del Santísimo Sacramento y Cofradía de Nazarenos de Jesús del Perdón, Cristo del Amor en su Prendimiento, María Santísima de la Esperanza, San Pedro y San Juan Apóstoles.
Sculptures 3: Stmo. Cristo del Amor (José Antonio Navarro Arteaga, 1992-1994), Jesús del Perdón (Francisco Palma Burgos, 1955), Virgen de la Esperanza (Antonio Eslava, 1952).
Departure: Afternoon. Cristo Rey Church
Year Founded: 1952
Points of Interest: Departure and return of the sculpture to the temple. Parade at the Civil Guard Headquarters in Maestra Street.
Primitiva, Pontificia y Real Congregación del Santísimo Cristo de la Vera-Cruz y María Santísima de los Dolores.
Sculptures 3: Jesús Preso (Ramón Mateu Montesinos, 1943), Stmo. Cristo de la Vera-Cruz (Domingo Cecilio Sánchez Mesa, 1950), María Santísima de los Dolores (Domingo Cecilio Sánchez Mesa, 1948).
Departure: Afternoon. San Ildefonso Basilica.
Year Founded: 1541
Points of Interest: It is the first penitents brotherhood founded in Jaén. The Civil Guard members as well as the head of the brotherhood walk together and follow the procession.
Real Hermandad Sacramental y Cofradía de Nazarenos del Santísimo Cristo de la Expiración, María Santísima de las Siete Palabras y San Juan Evangelista.
Sculptures 2: Stmo. Cristo de la Expiración (Probably José de Medina, 1761), Mª Stma. de las Siete Palabras (Luis Álvarez Duarte, 1995).
Departure: Afternoon. San Bartolomé Church
Year Founded: 1761, re-founded in 1888
Points of Interest: It is worthwhile to admire the beautiful sculpture of Cristo de la Expiración wich is decorated with purple lilies.
Antigua, Insigne y Real Cofradía de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno y María Santísima de los Dolores.
Pasos 4: Ntro.Padre Jesús Nazareno (Anonymous, 16th Century), Santa Marcela (Modesto y Damián Pastor y Julia, 1883), San Juan Evangelista (Anonimous, 17th Century), Mª Stma. de los Dolores (José de Medina, 1741)
Departure: Morning. Ntro. Padre Jesús Sanctuary.
Year Founded: 1588
Points of Interest: More than 3000 Nazarens walk with "El Abuelo". It is very interesting the encounter between Nuestro Padre Nazareno and Nuestra Señora de los Dolores in Santa María Square (around 5 in the morning). Saetas in Almenas and Campanas Streets.
Antigua, Insigne, Venerable y Real Congregación del Santo Sepulcro de Cristo y Siervos de la Orden Tercera de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores.
Sculptures 3: Group of sculptures of the Stmo. Cristo del Calvario, Buen Ladrón Dimas, Mal Ladrón Gestas, San Juan Evangelista (Probably Sebastián de Solís, 1579) and Santa Mª del Silencio (Probably José de Medína, Middle of the 18th Century), Cristo muerto en el Sepulcro (Juan Abascal Fuentes, 1965. Urn, anonymous, 18th Century), Ntra. Señora de los Dolores (Probably Sebastián de Solís, 1580).
Departure: Afternoon. San Juan y San Pedro Church.
Year Founded: 1580
Points of Interest: Due to the narrow doors of the church, the "costaleros" need to walk on their knees when carrying the religious sculpture atthe beginning of the procession.One highligh of this procession is the parading through Consuelo's Arch.
Pontificia y Real Cofradía del Stmo. Cristo Yacente y Siervos de Nuestra Señora de la Soledad.
Sculptures 2: Stmo. Cristo Yacente (Constantino Unguetti Álamo, 1959), Ntra. Señora de la Soledad (Antonio Bernal Redondo and Francisco Romera Zafra, 2000).
Departure: Late Afternoon. San Ildefonso Basilica
Year Founded: 1556
Points of Interest: This is the second oldest procession of the city. Its most notable feature is its elegance.
Hermandad Penitencial del Triunfo de la Santa Cruz y Cofradía de Nazarenos de Jesús del Gran Poder en el encuentro con su bendita Madre María Santísima del Dulce Nombre en la calle de la AMargura, Santa Maria Magdalena y San Juan Evangelista.
Foundation Year: 2012
Sculptures: Jesús del Gran Poder (2009), María Santísima del Dulce Nombre (2013), San Juan Evangelista (2013), María Magdalena ( 2015), (Sculptor: José Antonio Cabello Motilla)
Point of interes: Departure, Bernabé Soriano Street, Maestra Street, Gran Capitán Street, Plaza Magdalena, entrance to its temple.
Departure time: 00.00 h.
Cofradía del Señor Resucitado y María Santísima de la Victoria.
Sculptures 2: Señor Resucitado (Rafael Rubio Vernia, 1951), Mª Stma. de la Victoria (Alfredo Muñoz Arcos, 1955).
Departure: Morning. San Ildefonso Basilica.
Year Founded: 1987
Points of Interest: The Passion and Glory brotherhoods take part in this nice procession. Women ussually wear a white prayer shawl, because it is the colour associated with joy and victory.
Finally, we can not forget that during Holy Week it is customary to eat “Hornazo” or Saint Egg.
For further information visit:
Página web Pasión en Jaén
Página web de Agrupación de Cofradías y Hermandades de Jaén
(Fotography: Association of Brotherhoods of Jaén)