Cultural Routes of the city

Discover the Cultural Routes of the city
Jaén's cultural routes and itineraries
Today, through recent archaeological researchs, we know Jaén is the oldest city of Andalusia. Thanks to the researchs, and the use of the C14, we know that the origins of the city date back to the Medium Neolithic Era, in the Middle of the 5th millennium B.C. So, the occupants and the settlements which have continuously inhabited Jaén indicate that the population is 6500 years old.
Jaén changed so much during its historical development to become the urban area that today is our beautiful city. We can see this series of changes in the great amount of cultural sites included in the different historical-cultural routes. These routes are interesting opportunities to promote cultural tourism
1-European Cultural Tour of the Jewish Heritage. A traveller can follow the footsteps of the Jewish people of Jaén, who settled in this city for nearly two centuries. One can enter the historical quarter where lots of legends have their origins.
Beyond the limits of the traditional Jewish quarter, a traveller should not miss the opportunity to visit the gothic frieze of the Cathedral, the Arab Baths of Villardompardo and the old Dominican Monastery, which was the headquarters of the Court of the Inquisition. Together, they complete the picture of the Jewish culture of Jaén that survived until the 18th Century, long after the expulsion of the Hebrews from Andalusia in 1483.
Since 2005, Jaén’s Jewish Quarter has been a member of The Network of the Jewish Quarters of Spain. Caminos de Sefarad. It is a non-profit, public association, which aims to preserve the urban, architectural, historical, artistic and cultural heritage of the Jewish Legacy in Spain, as well as promote cultural tourism. It is also a founding member of the AEPJ (European Association for the Preservation of the Jewish Heritage) and the Cultural Route called the “European Route of the Jewish Heritage”, declared in the 2005 Major Cultural Itinerary of the Council of Europe.
2-Major Cultural European Itinerary of the Legacy of Al-Andalus. Route of the Nasrids.
This route crosses a large number of populations from Navas de Tolosa to Granada, the land border that was the Arabic and Christian defensive line between the 13th and 15th Centuries. In Jaén the route has two parts: the first goes to the countryside and the other goes towards La Loma. In Jaén, we can find 13 immovable properties.
This tour, which forms part of the route of the Al-Andalus Legacy, was declared the Major Cultural Itinerary of Europe’s Council.
3-Route of the Castles and Battles . This route crosses the provinces of Ciudad Real, Jaén and Granada from north to south. It is a tourist offer that runs through the western side of the province of Jaén. On this route, we can see castles and fortresses of outstanding beauty located in strategic locations. Jaén is the area with the largest concentration of castles and fortresses in Europe as well as, the place where two of the most important battles in Spain’s history took place: Bailén and Navas de Tolosa. The route includes the historical Complex of Jaén and its monumental reference is the Castle of Santa Catalina.
During one weekend of the month of June plenty of activities are organised by the Tourist-Cultural Entertainment Plan. Jaen natives and tourists are transported back in time to different periods of Jaen’s history through different activities such as music, conferences, exhibitions, gastronomy and re-enactments. These activities are carried out in unique settings in order to put new energy into the architectural heritage of Jaén.The primary location where the various activities and events take place is St Catalina’s castle.
4-Mozarabic Road to Santiago. The Mozarabic Road to Santiago has its origins in four Andalusian cities: Málaga,
5-Route "Travel to the Iberian Period". It is a route that allows us to travel through time to the Iberian Culture. The route crosses the province of Jaén from Castellar to Porcuna. In Jaén we can visit the Historical Complex and the oppidum of Puente Tablas.
6-Tourist Routes of the South Renaissance. Works by Vandelvira It includes three Renaissance towns of the province: Úbeda, Baeza and Jaén. They include works by the architect Andrés de Vandelvira. In Jaén, we can see some of his masterpieces, such as the Cathedral or the Historical Complex with monuments from the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries.