turjaen | Merced Square: Merced Parish Church (old monastery) and Fuente Nueva
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Merced Square: Merced Parish Church (old monastery) and Fuente Nueva


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Phone number: 
953 23 09 26
Merced Square, Jaén
Opening hours: 
Church: Monday to Friday: 19:00-20:00 h. Saturday: 19:30-20:30 h. Sunday: 11:30-12:30 h. y 19:30-20:30 h.


In this Renaissance square, one can see the Fuente Nueva, a fountain built by the Hurtado family in 1596. The Quesada-Ulloa Palace, also found in this square, is a house-palace of the 16th century, which belongs to Quesada-Ulloa Captain. It has a highly decorated façade. Nowadays, it is the Planning Department building used by the City Council.

On one side of the square, we find the old Merced’s Monastery, built in 1580 for the Mercedary fathers. It is nowadays a parish church. 

Free entrance.

Opening times for the  monuments: http://www.turjaen.org/sites/default/files/horario_visitas_monumentos.pdf

Mass services times: http://diocesisdejaen.es/horas/HORARIO_MISAS_OCTUBRE-2020-MARZO-2021.pdf?v=2