turjaen | Baños del Naranjo
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Baños del Naranjo


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Phone number: 
953 19 04 55
Caños Square
Opening hours: 
From Thursday to Sunday: 11.00-14.00 and Saturday: 11.00 and 14.00 h and 17.00-19.00 h. Last pass 15 minutes before the closing time


The Naranjo Baths Building, was inaugurated on September 29th,  2021 after its restauration. It is a new cultural tourist centre for the city of Jaen situated in the heart of the Historic Area, at the entrance of the old Jewish quarter.

Located in the Plaza de los Caños, the building dates back to 11th c., when a large bathroom was built. It was functioning after the Castilian conquest of Jaen in 1246. In the XIVth century the building was divided and a a bakery was installed –in the closest area to the square- and a house. Later it would be transformed into the town’s  fish shop and later into the town’s butcher shop. In the XXth century it housed a school.


Opening times 2024:

Wednesday to Sunday: 10.00-14.00 h.


Opening times from 17th July to 1st September  2024

Wednesday to Sunday:  9.30-13:30 h



Dogs are allowed, provided they are accompanied and controlled by their owners and comply with the requirements established by law:

Guided by post or chain in all cases, at a distance of no more than 1 metre from the keeper, on a non-extendable lead.
Dogs weighing more than 20 kg must wear a muzzle specific to their breed.
The owner must have the animal's accompanying documentation: up to date health passport in terms of vaccinations and deworming, animal identification document and potentially dangerous animal licence if applicable.
In any case, as long as the animal does not pose a nuisance, risk or harm to other people or animals. In other words, it must be properly socialised.
Guide animals for the disabled, assisted therapy animals and those belonging to the police and security forces may enter without limitations, as long as they are accompanied and controlled by their duly accredited guide, monitor or person in charge.
Animals considered to be companion animals, or those that do not guarantee the security or tranquillity of other people, may not enter. Therefore, only dogs, cats or ferrets may be allowed access under the conditions and requirements described above.